Electroacoustic music meta-bibliography
V. 2.4; revised November 16, 2012
This bibliography of electroacoustic music (EAM) bibliographies is a spin-off from my master's thesis in library and information science (Johansson, 2007), and covers websites, books and journal articles that list items of interest to EAM composers and researchers. Corrections and additions are most welcome, especially in languages other than English.
At least to my knowledge, and excluding bibliographies and discographies, there are very few studies of EAM from a library and information science point of view. Besides my own M.A. thesis (Johansson, 2007), I know only of Eaglestone et al., 2003, Eaglestone et al., 2007, Hunter, 2006 and Berndt Morris, 2012. There are also relatively few dedicated EAM bibliographies and discographies, so this bibliography also includes online conference proceedings and some related subjects, such as music information retrieval.
The bibliography is divided into eight categories: General bibliographies, Bibliographies etc. on special subjects (including discographies and work lists), Bibliographies etc. for individual composers (including discographies and work lists), Conference proceedings (online only), (general) Discographies and work lists, Repertoire guides, Dictionaries etc. (including some essays on terminology) and Other (mainly software listings).
The listed bibliographies and their reviews are the main sources for the meta-bibliography. I have tried to include all works mentioned as bibliographies, discographies, dictionaries etc. In addition, I have used Cooper, 1975, Dubnjakovic, 2008, Duckles & Reed, 1997, Gray, 1989, and Gray & Gibson, 1977, Music & Dance Reference, WorldCat and other online catalogues, and Google Books.
In addition to dedicated bibliographies, I have listed bibliographies and discographies from some introductory texts on EAM, but only those mentioned in other bibliographies, including later editions (e.g. Manning, 1985, 1993 and 2004). Glossaries and dictionaries from these texts are not listed.
This bibliography does not distinguish between discographies and work lists, since many of the items under this heading are both, and any discography can, in practice, also be considered a work list, at least for fixed EAM ("tape music"). Although there are many work lists and discographies available at individual composer web sites, I have not included those, since most are available via The Living Composers Project. Link collections are also excluded.
Items are sorted by category and year (in descending order), and have the following structure:
Reviews have been provided when possible. I have had physical access to many of the listed items, but for some of the older ones I had to rely on metadata from library catalogues or other bibliographies. These non-verified items are marked with an asterisk (*).
The bibliography is also available sorted by category and author (in ascending order).
Pär Johansson 2012
- [N/A]. 20nn. Music & dance reference : the online bibliography. http://lib.byu.edu/sites/musdanceref/the-online-bibliography/
- Berndt Morris, Elizabeth. 2012. "Building a collection in electronic music : considerations and sources". In Music reference services quarterly, vol. 15 (2012), no. 1, p. 34-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10588167.2012.647588
- Cooper, David Edwin. 1975. International bibliography of discographies : classical music and jazz & blues, 1962-1972 : a reference book for record collectors, dealers, and libraries (Keys to music bibliography, no. 2). Littleton, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited
- Dubnjakovic, Ana. 2008. "Electroacoustic music : updating the library collection". In Collection Building, vol. 27 (2008), no. 3, p. 104-107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/01604950810886004
- Duckles, Vincent H. & Reed, Ida. 1997. Music reference and research materials : an annotated bibliography (5th ed.). New York : Schirmer Books. xviii, 812 p. ISBN: 28708210
- Eaglestone, Barry ; Ford, Nigel ; Brown, Guy & Moore, Adrian. 2007. "Information systems and creativity : an empirical study". In Journal of documentation, vol. 63 (2007), no. 4, p. 443-464. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00220410710758968
- Eaglestone, Barry ; Lin, Angela ; Nunes, Miguel Baptista & Annansingh, Fenio. 2003. "Intention and effect of IS solutions: does risk management stifle creativity?". In Journal of information science, vol. 29 (2003), no. 4, p. 269-278
- Gray, Michael H. 1989. Classical music discographies, 1976-1988 : a bibliography (Discographies, no. 34). New York : Greenwood Press
- Gray, Michael H. & Gibson, Gerald D. 1977. Bibliography of discographies. Vol. 1, Classical music, 1925-1975. New York : Bowker
- Hunter, Ben. 2006. "A new breed of musicians : the information-seeking needs and behaviors of composers of electroacoustic music". In Music reference services quarterly, vol. 10 (2006), no. 1, p. 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J116v10n01_01
- Johansson, Pär. 2007. Domänanalys av elektroakustisk musik : undersökning av en konstnärlig domäns litteratur (Uppsatser inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, no. 370). Uppsala : Uppsala University. 103 p. http://www.parjohansson.se/eam.pdf
- "Domain analysis of electroacoustic music : a study of an art domain's literature." M.A. thesis in Swedish. Abstract in English: "This master's thesis studies the literature of electroacoustic music (EAM) from a domain analysis perspective. The aims of the thesis are i) to determine if domain analysis can be successfully applied to an art domain, and ii) to give an overview of the EAM literature. The theories and methods of domain analysis and bibliometrics, in particular domain definition and author population choice, are discussed and evaluated. The domain literature is reviewed, and its classification and indexing in selected bibliographies are examined to determine the important subjects of EAM. An author co-citation analysis of 51 important authors is performed and interpreted with regards to the previously found subjects. It is concluded that i) domain analysis is a viable method for studies of art domains, and that ii) the methods used in this thesis give a satisfactory overview of the EAM literature".
- [N/A]. 20nn. EARS (Electroacoustic resource site). http://www.ears.dmu.ac.uk/
- Over 2000 items from 1950s-present; annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Includes glossary and thesaurus.
- MINT (Musicologie, informatique et nouvelles technologies). 20nn. Bibliographie systematique de periodiques informatique musicale, musique electroacoustique, musique et technologie = Tables of contents of periodicals in the fields of: computer music, electroacoustic music, music technology. http://omf.paris-sorbonne.fr/EARS-MINT/PERIODIC01_MINT/
- Tables of contents for several journals, including Computer music journal, Electronic music review, Interface, Leonardo music journal, and the English version of Die Reihe. Also includes links to other online TOC for conference proceedings etc.
- Johansson, Pär. 2012. Electroacoustic music meta-bibliography. http://www.parjohansson.se/biblio.html
- Chippewa, Jef. 2006. "Electroacoustic bibliography". In eContact, vol. 8, no. 4. http://cec.sonus.ca/econtact/8_4/bibliography.html
- Ca 100 items from 1952-2006; partly annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German
- Manning, Peter. 2004. "Bibliography". In Electronic and computer music ([3rd ed.] Rev. and expanded ed.), p. [423]-425. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 474 p. ISBN: 0195144848
- Over 60 items from 1911-1999; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French
- Holmes, Thomas B. 2002. "Select bibliography". In Electronic and experimental music : pioneers in technology and composition (2nd ed.), p. 311-312. New York : Routledge. 322 p. ISBN: 0415936438
- 35 items from 1947-2000; not annotated. Languages covered: English
- Sitsky, Larry. 2002. Music of the twentieth-century avant-garde : a biocritical sourcebook. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press. xx, 660 p.
- 82 items. Contains biographies, selected bibliographies and work lists for 83 composers (Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry share an entry).
- Reviewed in:
- Laki, Peter. 2003. "Music of the twentieth-century avant-garde: a bio-critical sourcebook, and: Steve Reich: a bio-bibliography (review)". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 60, no. 2 (December, 2003), p. 448-449. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4487152
- [N/A]. 2001. Computer music bibliography. http://www.computermusicjournal.org/
- 250-300 items from 1950s-2001; not annotated. Languages covered: English, other. Revised version of Pope, 1993, that also covers journal articles.
- Oostrum, Piet van. 1997-07-03. Bibliography on synthesizers, MIDI, computer and electronic music (V. 1.40). http://archive.cs.uu.nl/pub/MIDI/DOC/bibliography.html
- Over 100 items from 1960s-1990s ; partly annotated. Languages covered: English
- Wick, Robert L. 1997. Electronic and computer music : an annotated bibliography (Music reference collection, no. 56). Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press. xiii, 198 p. ISBN: 0313300763
- Davis, Deta S. 1996. "Aesthetics in computer music : a bibliography". Contemporary music review, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 147-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07494469600640101
- Ca 150 items from 1950s-1990s; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German, Italian, other. Supplement to Davis, 1988 and 1992.
- Manning, Peter. 1993. "Bibliography". In Electronic and computer music (2nd ed.), p. [361]-363. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 399 p. ISBN: 0198163282
- Over 60 items from 1907-1993; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French
- Nishimura, Mari. 1993. The twentieth-century composer speaks : an index of interviews (Fallen Leaf reference books in music, no. 28). Berkeley, Calif. ; Tokyo : Fallen Leaf Press ; In association with the Kunitachi College of Music, Library. xxxii, 189 p. ISBN: 0914913298
- 1083 items from 1949-1987; annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German, Italian, and other Western European languages. Indexed by composer, interviewer and subject.
- Reviewed in:
- *Diamond, Harold J. 1994. Choice : publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries, vol. 31 (1994), p. 1304
- M. H. [Hassen, Marjorie] 1994. "The twentieth-century composer speaks : an index of interviews. By Mari Nishimura". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 51, no. 1 (September, 1994), p. 225-226. http://www.jstor.org/stable/899256
- Perlis, Vivian. 1994. "The twentieth-century composer speaks : an index of interviews. By Mari Nishimura". In Fontes artis musicae, vol. 41, no. 3 (July-September, 1994), p. 305-306
- *Upgren, Arthur R. 1994. American reference books annual, vol. 25 (1994), p. 1334
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,7916
- Pope, Stephen Travis. 1993. "A computer music library". In Computer music journal, vol. 17, no. 3 (Fall, 1993), p. 3-6. http://www.computermusicjournal.org/cmjlib/editors-notes/17-3.html
- Ca 60 items from 1960s-1990s; short annotations for most items. Languages covered: English, other. Covers only monographs and anthologies.
- Davis, Deta S. 1992. Computer applications in music : a bibliography. Supplement 1 (Computer music and digital audio series, no. 10). Madison, Wisc. : A-R Editions. xvi, 597 p. ISBN: 0895792672
- 4287 items from 1950-1990s; short annotations for a few items. Languages covered: English, French, German, Italian, other. Supplement to Davis, 1988.
- Reviewed in:
- Blevins, R.L. 1994. "Deta Davis: Computer music bibliography supplement". In Computer music journal, vol. 18, no. 2 (Summer, 1994), p. 105-106. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3680450
- Selfridge-Field, Eleanor. 1994. "Computer applications in music: a bibliography by Deta S. Davis, Computer applications in music: a bibliography. Supplement 1 by Deta S. Davis". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 50, no. 3 (March, 1994), p. 1019-1021. http://www.jstor.org/stable/898587
- Waters, William J. 1989. Music and the personal computer : an annotated bibliography (Music reference collection, no. 22). New York : Greenwood Press. xii, 175 p. ISBN: 0313267901
- 1378 items from 1983-1989; annotated. Languages covered: English. According to the introduction, this work is intended to supplement Davis, 1988 and Lister, 1988.
- Reviewed in:
- McQuillan, Richard. 1991. "Music and the personal computer: an annotated bibliography by William J. Waters, The musical microcomputer: a resource guide by Craig Lister, Computer software in music and music education: a guide by Barton K. Bartle". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 47, no. 3 (March, 1991), p. 806-808. http://www.jstor.org/stable/941927
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,8236
- *Campbell, Alan Gary. 1988. "Sources". In Electronic musician, vol. 4 (February, 1988), p. 107-11, 138
- Listed as no. 7013 in Davis, 1992. "A bibliography for musicians beginning in the field of computer music".
- Davis, Deta S. 1988. Computer applications in music : a bibliography (Computer music and digital audio series, no. 4). Madison, Wisc. : A-R Editions. xvii, 537 p. ISBN: 0895792257
- 4585 items from 1950-1980s; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German, Italian, other
- Reviewed in:
- Selfridge-Field, Eleanor. 1994. "Computer applications in music: a bibliography by Deta S. Davis, Computer applications in music: a bibliography. Supplement 1 by Deta S. Davis". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 50, no. 3 (March, 1994), p. 1019-1021. http://www.jstor.org/stable/898587
- Skinner, Robert. 1992. "Computer applications in music: a bibliography by Deta S. Davis". In Journal of musicological research, vol. 12 (1992), p. 142-145
- *Academic library book review, no. 4 (February, 1989), p. 5-6
- Alphonce, Bo. 1989. "Deta S. Davis. Computer applications in music: a bibliography". In Computers in music research, Fall, 1989, p. 133-159. Includes a chronological index
- *Alves, William. 1989. Journal SEAMUS, no. 4 (April, 1989), p. 10-11
- Basart, Ann P. 1989. "Craig R. Harris and Stephen T. Pope, editors: Computer Music Association source book: activities and resources in computer music. Deta S. Davis: Computer applications in music: a bibliography". In Fontes artis musicae, vol. 36, no. 1 (March, 1989), p. 65-66 (reply by Davis on p. 2)
- Holden, W. 1989. "Deta S. Davis: Computer applications in music-a bibliography". In Computer music journal, vol. 13, no. 1 (Spring, 1989), p. 60
- Moog, Robert. 1989. "Computer applications in music: a bibliography, by Deta S. Davis". In Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 37, no. 7/8 (July/August, 1989), p. 645
- *Waters, W.J. 1989. Choice : publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries, vol. 26 (February, 1989)
- Basart, Ann P. 1988. "Craig R. Harris and Stephen T. Pope, editors: Computer Music Association source book: activities and resources in computer music. Deta S. Davis: Computer applications in music: a bibliography". In Cum notis variorum, no. 126 (October, 1988), p. 17-18
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10356
- Lister, Craig. 1988. The musical microcomputer : a resource guide (Garland reference library of the humanities, no. 854). New York : Garland. xviii, 172 p. ISBN: 082408442X
- 336 items from 1960s-1980s; most items annotated. Languages covered: English, other
- Reviewed in:
- McQuillan, Richard. 1991. "Music and the personal computer: an annotated bibliography by William J. Waters, The musical microcomputer: a resource guide by Craig Lister, Computer software in music and music education: a guide by Barton K. Bartle". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 47, no. 3 (March, 1991), p. 806-808. http://www.jstor.org/stable/941927
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,7987
- Harris, Craig R. & Pope, Stephen Travis. 1987. Computer Music Association source book : activities and resources in computer music : compiled from the Computer Music Association's membership, composition and publication databases. San Francisco : Computer music association publications. 246 p.
- 500-600 items from 1975-1987; not annotated. Languages covered: English. Covers only ICMA members and mostly ICMC proceedings. Also includes composition and equipment lists for ICMA members.
- Reviewed in:
- Basart, Ann P. 1989. "Craig R. Harris and Stephen T. Pope, editors: Computer Music Association source book: activities and resources in computer music. Deta S. Davis: Computer applications in music: a bibliography". In Fontes artis musicae, vol. 36, no. 1 (March, 1989), p. 65-66 (reply by Davis on p. 2)
- Basart, Ann P. 1988. "Craig R. Harris and Stephen T. Pope, editors: Computer Music Association source book: activities and resources in computer music. Deta S. Davis: Computer applications in music: a bibliography". In Cum notis variorum, no. 126 (October, 1988), p. 17-18
- *Bernardini, Nicola. 1986. "Subject index of Computer music journal, volumes 1-9, 1977-1985". In Computer music journal, vol. 10, no. 2 (Summer, 1986), p. 51-55
- Listed as no. 7008 in Davis, 1992.
- Holmes, Thomas B. 1985. "Selected bibliography". In Electronic and experimental music, p. 262-264. New York : Scribner. 278 p. ISBN: 0684181355
- 46 items from 1936-1983; not annotated. Languages covered: English
- Manning, Peter. 1985. "Bibliography". In Electronic and computer music, p. [261]-265. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 291 p. ISBN: 0193119188
- 50 items from 1911-1982; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French
- *[N/A]. 1984. "Bibliographie der Publikation zu Elektronischer und Computer-Musik". In Österreichische Musikzeitschrift, vol. 39 (1984), p. 467-470
- Listed as no. 7009 in Davis, 1992.
- *Drummond, Philip J. 1984. Computer applications to music : a survey and review of the literature, 1949-1979. [Sydney] : University of New South Wales. xv, 441 leaves
- ? items from 1949-1983. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Listed as "Computer applications to music : an historical introduction and critical bibliography, 1949-1983" in Davis, 1988 (no. 2785).
- Davis, Deta S. 1982. "Computer applications in music : a bibliography". In Howe, Hubert S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 1980 International Computer Music Conference, p. 653-824. [San Francisco : International Computer Music Association]. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.bbp2372.1980.052
- 1202 items from 1965-1980; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. Includes a personal name index on p. 807-824.
- Tjepkema, Sandra L. 1981. A bibliography of computer music : a reference for composers. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press. xvii, 276 p. ISBN: 0877451109
- 1071 items from 1950s-1980s; most items annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other
- Reviewed in:
- Drummond, Philip J. 1983. "A bibliography of computer music: a reference for composers by Sandra L. Tjepkema". In Computers and the humanities, vol. 17, no. 2 (June, 1983), p. 86-88. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30204068
- Basart, Ann P. 1982. "A bibliography of computer music: a reference for composers by Sandra L. Tjepkema". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 38, no. 4 (June, 1982), p. 848-849. http://www.jstor.org/stable/939992
- Jaschinski, Andreas. 1982. "Sandra L. Tjepkema: A bibliography of computer music". In Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, vol. 143, no. 3 (March, 1982), p. 76
- Blevins, R.L. 1981. "Sandra Tjepkema: A bibliography of computer music : a reference for composers". In Computer music journal, vol. 5, no. 4 (Winter, 1981), p. 76
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,11775
- Mâche, Geneviève & Vande Gorne, Annette. 1980. "Bibliographie". In Répertoire acousmatique 1948-1980 (Cahiers recherche/musique, no. 8), p. 313-[324]. Paris : INA-GRM. 415 p.
- Ca 80 items from 1947-1980; not annotated. Languages covered: French, English. Work list, discography, bibliography, score list. Includes supplementary material.
- Reviewed in:
- Roads, C[urtis]. 1981. "Institut National de l'Audio-Visuel/Groupe de Recherches Musicales: Répertoire acousmatique 1948-1980". In Computer music journal, vol. 5, no. 4 (Winter, 1981), p. 75
- Griffiths, Paul. 1979. "Bibliography". In A guide to electronic music, p. 122-123. London : Thames & Hudson. 128 p. ISBN: 0500012245
- 32 items from 1934-1978; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German
- *Willman, Fred. 1979. ["Bibliography"]. In Electronic music : resources for performance groups and general music classes. St. Louis, MO : Cross Creek Press. 98 p.
- 980 items; short annotations for some items (according to Wick, 1997). Contains discography, work list and bibliography. "The purpose of this bibliography/discography is to provide the busy teacher and researcher with an exhaustive listing of recordings, books, periodicals, and performance scores from which to choose. It is, by design, non-selective".
- *Battier, Marc & Arveiller, Jacques. 1978. Musique et informatique : une bibliographie indexée ([Extended ed.]). Ivry-sur-Seine (Paris) : ELMERATTO (Editions litteraires et musicales de l'equipe de recherche, analyse et transcription des tablatures par ordinateur) ; Department musique, Universite Paris VIII Vincennes. 178 p. ISBN: 2902671059
- Ca 1500 items from 1950s-1970s; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. Title sometimes given as Documents : musique et informatique etc..
- Reviewed in:
- Morehen, J. 1980. "Musique et informatique: une bibliographie indexée by Marc Battier; Jacques Arveiller". In Computers and the humanities, vol. 14, no. 3 (November, 1980), p. 201. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30207337
- Accurso, Howard. 1979. "Documents. Musique et informatique: une bibliographie indexée by Marc Battier; Jacques Arveiller". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 36, no. 2 (December, 1979), p. 376-377. http://www.jstor.org/stable/940212
- *Davis, Deta S. 1977. Computer applications in music : a bibliography
- Ca 350 items. Unpublished.
- Battier, Marc & Arveiller, Jacques. 1976. Musique et informatique : une bibliographie indexée. Paris : Department musique/Department informatique, Universite Paris VIII Vincennes. 172 p.
- 1485 items from 1950s-1970s; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other
- Chion, Michel & Reibel, Guy. 1976. "Bibliographie sommaire". In Les musiques électroacoustiques, p. 323-325. Aix-en-Provence : INA-GRM ; Édisud. 339 p.
- Ca 50 items from 1952-1976; partly annotated. Languages covered: French, German, English
- *Snell, John. 1976. "Computer music bibliography". In Dr. Dobbs journal of computer calisthenics and orthodontia, vol. 7 (1976), no. 1, p. 223-225
- Listed as no. 2881 in Davis, 1988. "Also in Creative computing 3 (Mar.-Apr. 1977): 54-56".
- [N/A]. 1975. "Bibliography". In Appleton, Jon H. & Perera, Ronald C. (eds.), The development and practice of electronic music, p. 336-343. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall. ix, 384 p. ISBN: 0132076055
- Ca 150 items from 1938-1974; not annotated. Languages covered: English, other
- Schwartz, Elliott. 1975. "Bibliography". In Electronic music : a listener's guide (Rev. ed.), p. 287-292. New York : Praeger. 306 p. ISBN: 0275537307
- Ca 120 items from 1951-1975; not annotated. Languages covered: English
- Kostka, Stefan M. 1974. A bibliography of computer applications in music (Music indexes and bibliographies, no. 7). Hackensack, N.J. : Joseph Boonin. iii, 58 p. ISBN: 0913574074
- 641 items from 1950s-1970s; not annotated. Languages covered: English, other
- Reviewed in:
- Druesedow, John E. 1975. "A bibliography of computer applications in music, Stefan M. Kostka". In Computers and the humanities, vol. 9, no. 3 (May, 1975), p. 147-148. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30208237
- *Ferris, Sharon P. 1975. American reference books annual, vol. 4 (1975), p. 490
- *Kassler, Michael. 1974. Computing reviews, vol. 15 (1974), p. 134
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10956
- Schwartz, Elliott. 1973. "Bibliography". In Electronic music : a listener's guide, p. 287-292. New York ; London : Praeger ; Secker & Warburg. 306 p. ISBN: 436444100
- Ca 120 items from 1951-1975; not annotated. Languages covered: English
- *[N/A]. 1972. "The use of computers in music : a state of the art report". In 1st USA-Japan computer conference proceedings. p. 124-129
- Contains bibliography according to Battier & Arveiller, 1976.
- Ks [Kraus, Egon?]. 1972. "Bibliograhie : die mathematischen und physikalischen Grundlagen der Musik : Informationstheorie, Kybernetik, Computer und Musik". Musik und Bildung : Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Musikerziehung, vol. 4, no. 10 (October, 1972), p. 475-477
- Ca 150 items from 1902-1972; not annotated. Languages covered: German, English, other
- *Lincoln, Harry B. 1972. "Uses of the computer in music composition and research". Advances in computing, vol. 12 (1972), p. 73-114
- A bibliography, according to Battier & Arveiller, 1976.
- Russcol, Herbert. 1972. "Selected bibliography". In The liberation of sound : an introduction to electronic music, p. 299-305. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall. 315 p.
- Ca 100 items from 1930-1971; partly annotated. Languages covered: English, English, other
- Berlind, Gary & Brook, Barry S. 1970. "Computer applications to music and musicology". In Brook, Barry S. (ed.), Musicology and the computer : Musicology 1966-2000. A practical program : three symposia 1965-66 (Publications / American Musicological Society. Greater New York Chapter, no. 2), p. 229-270. New York : City University of New York Press. x, 275 p. http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED081187&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED081187
- 617 items from 1949-1970; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, other. Extended version of Berlind, 1966.
- *[N/A]. [196n?]. The use of the computer in music and musicology : draft bibliography (unified). New York : New York University Institute for Computer Research in the Humanities
- Cross, Lowell M. 1968. A bibliography of electronic music (2nd, rev. pr.). Toronto : University of Toronto Press. ix, 126 p. ISBN: 0802014348
- 1563 items from 1950-1960s; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. Incorporates corrections and revisions. There is also a 1970 reprint of either this or the 1967 edition.
- Cross, Lowell M. 1967. A bibliography of electronic music. Toronto : University of Toronto Press. ix, 126 p. ISBN: 0802014348
- 1562 items from 1950-1960s; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. There is also a 1970 reprint of either this or the 1968 edition.
- Reviewed in:
- Luening, Otto. 1969. "A bibliography of electronic music by Lowell M. Cross". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 25, no. 3 (March, 1969), p. 502-503. http://www.jstor.org/stable/895367
- Davies, Hugh. 1968. "A bibliography of electronic music by Lowell M. Cross". In Electronic music review, no. 6 (April, 1968), p. 44-46
- Henry, Otto W. 1967. "A bibliography of electronic music by Lowell M. Cross". In Anuario, vol. 3, p. 112-114. http://www.jstor.org/stable/779752
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,12893
- Heckman, Harald. 1967. "Bibliographie". In Heckman, Harald (ed.), Elektronische Datenverarbeitung in der Musikwissenschaft, p. 127-234. Regensburg : Gustav Bosse
- Ca 140 items from 1949-1967; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. "Die hier folgende Bibliographie beruht zu wesentlichen Teilen auf der Veröffentlichung "Writings on the Use of Computers in Music", die G. Berlind 1966 in Zusammenarbeit mit B. S. Brook, L. A. Hiller jr., J. LaRue und G. W. Logemann im Auftrag des Institute for Computer Research zusammengestellt hat. [...] Sie wurde um solche Titel gekürzt, die keinen unmittelbaren musikwissenschaftliche Bezug hatten, wie solche zum Thema der Komposition mit Hilfe des Computers." However, the bibliography lists some articles by e.g. Hiller.
- *Albright, Janet. 1966. A bibliography of electronic music. [S.l.] : University of Colorado
- Austin, William W. 1966. "Bibliography : experimental music". In Music in the 20h century : from Debussy through Stravinsky ([1st ed.]), p. 652-655. New York : W.W. Norton. xx, 708 p.
- 50-60 items from 1910s-1960s; partly annotated. Languages covered: French, German, English, Italian. Covers serial and experimental music in general, including EAM and microtonality.
- Reviewed in:
- Hitchcock, H. Wiley. 1966. "Music in the 20th Century from Debussy Through Stravinsky by William W. Austin". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 23, no. 2 (December, 1966), p. 254. http://www.jstor.org/stable/895408
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,9966
- *Bahler, Peter Benjamin. 1966. Electronic and computer music : an annotated bibliography of writings in English. Rochester, NY : Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester. 128 p.
- *Berlind, Gary. 1966. "Writings on the use of computers in music". College music symposium, vol. 6 (Fall, 1966), p. 143-157
- Based on a unpublished version distributed at the 1965 annual meeting of the American Musicological Society (according to Brook & Berlind, 1970).
- Henry, Otto W. 1966. A preliminary checklist : books and articles on electronic music. New Orleans, LA : Tulane University. Newcomb College, Department of Music, Electronic Music Studio. 33 leaves
- 709 items from 1930-1966; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other
- *Martin, Vernon. 1966. Bibliography of writings on electronic music. First supplement, March, 1966. New York : Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center
- With the assistance of the North Texas State University School of Music.
- *Berlind, Gary. 1965. Writings on the use of computers in music. New York : New York University Institute for Computer Research in the Humanities
- Lesche, Carl et al. 1965. Musik och datamaskiner : preliminär bibliografisk förteckning. Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet. Institutionen för musikforskning. 9 p.
- 77 items from 1948-1965; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German, other. "Music and computers : a preliminary bibliography". Unpublished typescript. Carl Lesche (1920-1993, Finland-Swedish psychoanalyst and philosopher) was associated with studio director Knut Wiggen during the early years of EMS (Elektronmusikstudion, the Stockholm electronic music studio).
- *Wilding-White, Raymond & Hemsath, William. 1965. Status of the Case Studio for Experimental Music (Technical reports / Case Studio for Experimental Music, no. 2). Cleveland : Case Studio for Experimental Music. 50 p.
- Contains bibliography according to Cross, 1968.
- *Martin, Vernon. 1964. Bibliography of writings on electronic music. New York : Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. 128 p.
- 657 (according to Wick, 1997) items. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. Wick, 1997, mentions four supplements; I have data only for the one listed above.
- *[N/A]. 1961. Electronic music : a bibliography. New York : Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. ? p.
- Revised December 4, 1961.
- Basart, Ann Phillips. 1961. Serial music : a classified bibliography of writings on twelve-tone and electronic music (University of California bibliographic guides). Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press. xiii, 151 p. ISBN: 0837187532
- 823 (over 60 on EAM) items from 1952-1960 (for EAM); short annotations for most items. Languages covered: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish. Indexed by subject and author.
- Reviewed in:
- Rufer, Josef. 1964. "Ann Phillips Basart: Serial music : a classified bibliography of writings on twelve-tone and electronic music". In Die Musikforschung, vol. 17, no. 3 (1964), p. 315-316
- A. P. 1962. "Serial music. A classified bibliography of writings on twelve-tone and electronic music. By Ann Phillips Basart". In The musical times, vol. 103, no. 1429 (March, 1962), p. 171. http://www.jstor.org/stable/949269
- Coover, James B. 1962. "Serial music : a classified bibliography of writings on twelve-tone and electronic music by Ann Phillips Basart". In Journal of music theory, vol. 6, no. 2 (Winter, 1962), p. 316-317. http://www.jstor.org/stable/842919
- Mitchell, Donald. 1962. "Serial music : a classified bibliography of writings on twelve-tone and electronic music by Ann Phillips Basart". In Tempo, no. 63 (Winter, 1962-1963), p. 46-48. http://www.jstor.org/stable/943065
- *Music magazine, vol. 164? (February, 1962), p. 51
- *Music review, vol. 23 (1962), p. 155
- Newlin, Dika. 1962. "Serial music : a classified bibliography of writings on twelve-tone and electronic music by Ann Phillips Basart". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 19, no. 2 (March, 1962), p. 256-257. http://www.jstor.org/stable/895029
- Wallner, Bo. 1962. "Ann Phillips Basart: Serial music. A classif. bibliography". In Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning, vol. 44 (1962), p. 73-74
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10002
- [N/A]. 1959. "Bibliographie sommaire". In La revue musicale, no. 244 (Expériences musicales, 1959), p. 60-61
- 11 items from 1950-1959; not annotated
- Deliège, Célestin. 1959. "Bibliographie". In Revue belge de musicologie, vol. 13, no. 1-4 (Musique expérimentale, 1959), p. 132-148
- Over 400 items from 1930-1960; not annotated. Languages covered: French, German, English, Italian. Covers serial and experimental music in general, including EAM.
- *[N/A]. 1955. "Bibliographie sommaire". In Sept ans de musique concrète 1948-1955, annexe VI. Paris : Centre d'Etudes Radiophonique, GRMC-RTF
- Listed in Mâche & Vande Gorne, 1980.
- Tottenham Public Libraries and Museum. The Information and Service Division. 1952. Electronic musical instruments : a bibliography (2nd ed.) (Bibliographical series, no. 1). London : Tottenham Public Libraries and Museum. 28 p.
- Ca 750 (including over 400 patents) items from 1900-1952; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French. Includes a list of patents (only numbers and holders, no descriptions). Russcol, 1972, and Wick, 1997, gives, probably erroneously, Vladimir Ussachevsky as author. Ussachevsky's name does not appear on the publication (which is also listed in Hartsock & Rahkonen, 2000), at least not on the second edition.
- *Tottenham Public Libraries and Museum. The Information and Service Division. 1952. Electronic musical instruments : a bibliography (Bibliographical series, no. 1). London : Tottenham Public Libraries and Museum. 31 p.
- Includes a list of patents (only numbers and holders, no descriptions). Russcol, 1972, and Wick, 1997, gives, probably erroneously, Vladimir Ussachevsky as author. Ussachevsky's name does not appear on the publication (which is also listed in Hartsock & Rahkonen, 2000), at least not on the second edition.
- Langer, Yvette. 1950. "Bibliographie sommaire de la musique mécanisée". In Polyphonie : revue musicale trimestrielle, vol. 6 (1950), p. 144-149
- Ca 180 items from 1775-1949; not annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German, other. Mainly covers sound reproduction and radio, but there are a few references to electronic music, e.g. Friedrich Trautwein. "Cette bibliographie ne comprend pas d'ouvrages juridiques ni de discographies. La question spéciale de la musique mécanisée dans la pédagogie n'a été qu'effleurée. Pour le film sonore et la radio, seuls les ouvrages importants ont été relevés".
- Meyer-Eppler, Werner. 1949. "Literaturverzeichnis". In Elektrische Klangerzeugung : elektronische Musik und synthetische Sprache, p. 123-133. Bonn : Dümmler. 140 p.
- 248 items from 1906-1949; not annotated. Languages covered: German, English, French, other
- [N/A]. 20nn. Acoustic communication bibliography. http://www.sfu.ca/sonic-studio/courses/ACbib.html
- Over 200 items from 1960s-present; not annotated. Languages covered: English
- [N/A]. 20nn. Bibliography of remix culture and music. http://p2pfoundation.net/Bibliography_of_Remix_Culture_and_Music
- 10-20 items from 1990s-2000s; annotated. Languages covered: English
- [N/A]. 20nn. Sound and music computing bibliography. http://www.smcnetwork.org/biblio
- Over 600 items from 1939-present; abstracts and full text provided for some items. Languages covered: English, other
- Ariza, Christopher. 20nn. algorithmic.net. http://algorithmic.net
- Over 1000 items from 1933-; not annotated. Languages covered: English, other. "This site provides a comprehensive research resource for computer aided algorithmic music composition, including over one-thousand research listings, over one hundred system listings, cross referenced links to research, links to software downloads and documentation, and web-based tools for searching and filtering the complete lexicon." .
- Biles, Al. 20nn. Evolutionary music bibliography : to accompany the evolutionary music tutorial given at GECCO 2005. http://www.ist.rit.edu/~jab/EvoMusic/EvoMusBib.html
- Over 50 items from 1991-present; annotated. Languages covered: English. Covers books, papers and software.
- Burkholder, J. Peter. 20nn. Musical borrowing : an annotated bibliography. http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/borrowing/
- Over 1870 items from 1871-2009; many annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. Contains some publications on sampling etc. Co-editors: Andreas Giger, Felix O. Cox & David C. Birchler. See also Giger, Andreas, "A bibliography on musical borrowing", Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 50, no. 3 (March, 1994), p. 1021-1023, http://www.jstor.org/stable/898532.
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,13694
- [Carlsson, Sven E.]. 20nn. Film sound bibliography. http://www.filmsound.org/bibliography/littlist.htm
- Over 100 items from 1954-2007; partly annotated. Languages covered: English, other. Includes an article list sorted by movie.
- [Chippewa, Jef & Pestova, Xenia]. 20nn. Keyboard + Live EA [wiki]: Bibliography. http://cecpublic.pbworks.com/w/page/30944570/KeyboardLiveEABibliography
- 7 items from 1997-2009; partly annotated. Languages covered: English. A piano and live electronics bibliography.
- Grobelny, Joseph. 2008. "Mashups, sampling, and authorship : a mashupsampliography". In Music reference services quarterly, vol. 11, no. 3-4 (2008), p. 229-239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10588160802570375
- Ca 150 items from 1986-2008; not annotated. Languages covered: English
- Geslin, Yann & Teruggi, Daniel. 2007. "A selected bibliography reflecting the GRM's concepts and trends". In Organised sound, vol. 12, no. 3 (December, 2007), p. 279-283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355771807001884
- 70-80 items from 1952-2007; short annotations for most items. Languages covered: French, English. Covers only publications by GRM (Groupe de Recherhes Musicales) authors.
- Bonin, Vincent(?). 2006. 9 evenings : theatre and engineering fonds. General bibliography (1966-). http://www.fondation-langlois.org/html/e/page.php?NumPage=1872
- 145 items from 1966-2007; not annotated, but many cross references to other materials in the collection. Languages covered: English, French, other. "This bibliography is comprised of documents associated with the event contained in the 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering fonds, the Collection of documents published by Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), and the entire CR+D collection." Also available in French at http://www.fondation-langlois.org/html/f/page.php?NumPage=1872.
- Byrd, Donald. 2006. Music IR bibliography. http://mypage.iu.edu/~donbyrd/DonMusicIRBibliography.HTML
- 295 items from 1944-2006; partly annotated. Languages covered: English. According to Byrd, "[t]his is the only reasonably-up-to-date, general bibliography of music-IR literature I'm aware of; however, it really is a personal bibliography, heavily biased towards my own interests".
- [N/A]. 2005. UK digital music research output. http://music.york.ac.uk/dmrn/roadmap/uk_research_snapshot/uk_digital_music_research_output.html
- 100-200 items from 1997-2006; not annotated. Languages covered: English. Covers representative papers from UK universities.
- Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth. 2005. "Feminist theory (and electroacoustic music) : some classic sources for beginning and advanced inquirers in the field". In eContact, vol. 8, no. 2. http://cec.sonus.ca/econtact/8_2/theory.html
- 21 items from 1998-2006; not annotated. Languages covered: English. "For those readers who wish to learn more about feminist (and queer) theory, especially in terms of its relevance to electroacoustic music, here is a list of classic sources I have compiled in the genre.".
- Nesturkh, N. ; Galeyev, B. ; Zorin, S. ; Vanechkina, I. & Sintzova, S. ; translated by Vladimir Chudnovsky. 2005. Recent russian texts on the Theremin. http://www.leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/thereminrusbib.html
- Ca 110 items from 1922-2003; not annotated. Languages covered: Russian
- Sauer, Matthias. 2005. Discography of Theremin works. http://www.leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/theremindisc.html
- Ca 30 items from 19??-1995 (dates not given); not annotated
- Sauer, Matthias. 2005. Theremin international resource directory. http://www.leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/thereminresource.html
- Bibliography: ca 120, work list: ca 70 items from 1923-1995; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German. Classified bibliography and work list.
- [N/A]. 2004. Music information retrieval research bibliography. http://web.archive.org/web/20090228132342/http://www.music-ir.org/research_home.html
- Over 500 items from 1978-2004; abstracts or annotations for most items. Languages covered: English. No longer available.
- [N/A]. 2003. Australian sound design project : bibliography. http://www.sounddesign.unimelb.edu.au/site/bibliog.html
- 340 items from 1960s-2003; not annotated. Languages covered: English. Includes some CDs and online resources.
- Kapelanski, Maksymilian. 2003. Acoustic ecology and the soundscape bibliography. http://leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/acousticecologybib.html
- Ca 150 items from 1960s-2002; not annotated. Languages covered: English
- [N/A]. 2002. The sounding object bibliography. 22 p. http://www.soundobject.org/bibliography.pdf
- 250 items from 1764-2002; not annotated. Languages covered: English, other. "The SOb project aims at developing sound models that are responsive to physical interactions and are easily matched to physical objects".
- Kac, Eduardo. 1999. New media poetry, hypertext, and experimental literature bibliography. http://www.leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/newmediapoetry.html
- Ca 50 items from 1945-1997; not annotated. Covers lettrism, concretism, sound poetry etc.
- *Australia Music Centre. 1977. Electronic music (Catalogues of Australian compositions, no. 7). Sydney : Australia Music Centre. xiii, 65 p.
- *Chion, Michel & Delalande, François. 1975. "Bibliographie sommaire sur les rapports son-image". In Programme-bulletin GRM, no. 15, p. 49. Paris : INA-GRM
- Listed in Mâche & Vande Gorne, 1980.
- *Chion, Michel & Delalande, François. 1975. "Bibliographie sommaire sur sens/son". In Programme-bulletin GRM, no. 16, p. 79. Paris : INA-GRM
- Listed in Mâche & Vande Gorne, 1980.
- *O'Keeffe, Vincent. 1972. "Mathematical-musical relationships : a bibliography". In Mathematics teacher, vol. 65 (1972), p. 315-324
- Listed as no. 2842 in Davis, 1988.
- [N/A]. 20nn. Max Neuhaus bibliography. http://www.max-neuhaus.info/bibliography/
- 50-100 items from 1963-2009; not annotated. Languages covered: English, German, French, other. Includes recordings.
- Chaudron, André. 20nn. John Cage database. http://www.johncage.info/
- Worklist: ca 300 items from 1931-present; annotated. Includes an index to the Cage literature, sorted by work, and a list of Cage-Cunningham collaborations.
- Anderson, Elizabeth. 2012. "An interview with Annette Vande Gorne. Part 2. Appendix 1: Bibliography". In Computer music journal, vol. 36, no. 2 (Summer, 2012), p. 21-22. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1162/COMJ_a_00116
- 19 items from 1980-2010; not annotated. Languages covered: French, English
- Anderson, Elizabeth. 2012. "An interview with Annette Vande Gorne. Part 2. Appendix 2: Discography". In Computer music journal, vol. 36, no. 2 (Summer, 2012), p. 22. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1162/COMJ_a_00116
- 8 items from 1993-2010; not annotated
- Harley, James. 2010. Iannis Xenakis bibliography and discography. http://www.leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/Xenakisbib.html
- Bibliography: ca 60, discography: ca 70, work list: ca 140 items from 1949-2009; partly annotated. Languages covered: English, French, German, other
- Wiggen, Knut. 2009. Knut Wiggen bibliography. http://www.knut-wiggen.com/english/eng-bibliography.php
- 20-30 items from 1957-2004; not annotated. Languages covered: Norwegian, Swedish, other. Knut Wiggen was the studio director of EMS (Elektronmusikstudion, the Stockholm electronic music studio) from 1964-1975.
- Battier, Marc. 2008. "Annotated catalog of the writings of Max V. Mathews". In Max Mathews (2nd ed.) (Portraits polychromes, no. 12), p. 96-100. Paris : GRM Institut national de l'audiovisuel. 101 p. ISBN: 9782869382060
- 79 items from 1958-2003; annotated. Languages covered: English
- Mathews, Max. 2008. "Annotated catalog of the musical compositions". In Max Mathews (2nd ed.) (Portraits polychromes, no. 12), p. 101-[102]. Paris : GRM Institut national de l'audiovisuel. 101 p. ISBN: 9782869382060
- 10 items from 1961-2005; annotated
- *Battier, Marc. 2007. "Catalogue commenté des écrits de Max Mathews". In Max Mathews (Portraits polychromes, no. 11), p. 101-106. Paris : GRM Institut national de l'audiovisuel. 107 p. ISBN: 9782869382077
- 79 items from 1958-2003; annotated. Languages covered: English
- *Mathews, Max. 2007. "Catalogue commenté des compositions musicales". In Max Mathews (Portraits polychromes, no. 11), p. 107-[108]. Paris : GRM Institut national de l'audiovisuel. 107 p. ISBN: 9782869382077
- 10 items from 1961-2005; annotated
- Hanson, Sten. 2005. List of works : with selected performance listings : update Dec. 31 2005. [Stockholm : Sten Hanson]. [55] p.
- 171 items from 1958-2005; not annotated. Work list, discography and brief bibliography of Sten Hanson. Cover title: Sten Hanson 1936-2006.
- Cary, Tristram. 2002. Tristram Cary : biographical notes and list of works. Glen Osmond : [Tristram Cary]. 35 p.
- Over 250 items from 1941-2002; partly annotated. Languages covered: English. Contains work list, filmography, discography and bibliography.
- Hoek, David J. 2002. Steve Reich : a bio-bibliography (Bio-bibliographies in music, no. 89). Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press. xiv, 171 p. ISBN: 0313312079
- 324 items from 1960s-2000; annotated. Languages covered: English, other. Includes brief biography, discography and list of works and performances.
- Reviewed in:
- Laki, Peter. 2003. "Music of the twentieth-century avant-garde: a bio-critical sourcebook, and: Steve Reich: a bio-bibliography (review)". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 60, no. 2 (December, 2003), p. 448-449. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4487152
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,7548
- Palombini, Carlos. 2001. Pierre Schaeffer : a survey of the literature. http://www.leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/schaeffer/schaefferindex.html
- 10 items from 1967-1999; annotated. Languages covered: French
- Hartsock, Ralph & Rahkonen, Carl John. 2000. Vladimir Ussachevsky : a bio-bibliography (Bio-bibliographies in music, no. 75). Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press. xii, 254 p. ISBN: 0313298521
- 606 items from 1930s-1990s; annotated. Languages covered: English, other. Includes brief biography, discography and list of works and performances.
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,7537
- Young, Gayle. 1999. Compositions [by Hugh Le Caine]. http://www.hughlecaine.com/en/compositions.html
- Dallet, Sylvie & Brunet, Sophie. 1997. Itinéraires d'un chercheur : bibliographie commentée de l'oeuvre éditée de Pierre Schaeffer = A career in research : a commented bibliography of published works. Montreuil : Ed. du Centre d'études et de recherche Pierre Schaeffer. 128 p. ISBN: 2951078307
- Ca 400 items from 1932-1996; some items in the biographical sections annotated. Languages covered: French, other. Combined bio-bibliography and discography. Covers only Schaeffer's own writings.
- Reviewed in:
- [N/A]. 1995. Lejaren Hiller archive. http://library.buffalo.edu/music/spcoll/hiller/index.html
- Bibliography: 130 items from 1954-1992; not annotated. Languages covered: English, other. Includes bibliography, work list and archive inventory. The bibliography also lists technical reports from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and SUNY at Buffalo 1961-1983. Based on Wu, Pei-Jung, 1995, A guide to the archive of L.A. Hiller in the music library, thesis/dissertation (139 leaves), Buffalo, N.Y. : State University of New York at Buffalo.
- Ungeheuer, Elena. 1992. "Bibliographie Werner Meyer Eppler". In Wie die elektronische Musik "erfunden" wurde ... : Quellenstudien zu Werner Meyer-Epplers musikalischem Entwurf zwischen 1949 und 1953 (Kölner Schriften zur Neuen Musik, no. 2), p. 229-241. Mainz : Schott. 254 p. ISBN: 3795718910
- 144 items from 1949-1962; not annotated. Languages covered: German, other. Includes a list of archive documents.
- Hartsock, Ralph. 1991. Otto Luening : a bio-bibliography (Bio-bibliographies in music, no. 35). New York : Greenwood Press. xiii, 272 p. ISBN: 0313243204
- 621 items from 1921-1989; annotated. Languages covered: English, other. Includes brief biography, discography and list of works and performances.
- Reviewed in:
- Adams, Byron. 1992. "Lukas Foss: a bio-bibliography by Karen L. Perone. Otto Luening: a bio-bibliography by Ralph Hartsock. Randall Thompson: a bio-bibliography by Caroline Cepin Benser; David Francis Urrows. Vincent Persichetti: a bio-bibliography by Donald L. Patterson; Janet L. Patterson". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 48, no. 4 (June, 1992), p. 1299-1301. http://www.jstor.org/stable/942145
- Rahkonen, Carl. 1992. "Ralph Hartsock. Otto Luening: a bio-bibliography". In Fontes artis musicae, vol. 39, no. 3-4 (July-December, 1992), p. 385
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,7497
- Roads, Curtis. 1985. "A partial discography of George Lewis". In Roads, Curtis (ed.), Composers and the computer (Computer music and digital audio series), p. 87. Los Altos, Calif. : Kaufmann. xxi, 201 p. ISBN: 0865760853
- 15 items from 19??-1984? (dates not given); not annotated. Listed as C-195 under the heading Computer music in Gray, 1989.
- [N/A]. 20nn. DAFX (Digital audio effects) conference. http://www.dafx.de/
- Over 700 items from 1998-present; all items available in full text. Languages covered: English. Proceedings for individual conferences are available on external websites.
- [N/A]. 20nn. EMS (Electroacoustic music studies) proceedings and other publications. http://www.ems-network.org/spip.php?page=authors&id_rubrique=48
- Over 100 items from 2003-present; abstracts, some items available in full text. Languages covered: English, French
- [N/A]. 20nn. ICAD (International conference on auditory display) bibliography. http://www.icad.org/biblio
- Over 700 items from 1992-present; most items available in full text. Languages covered: English. Covers ICAD papers and some books.
- [N/A]. 20nn. ISMIR (International conference on music information retrieval and related activities) proceedings. http://www.ismir.net/proceedings/
- Over 750 items from 2000-present; all items available in full text. Languages covered: English
- [N/A]. 20nn. NIME (New interfaces for musical expression) conference. http://www.nime.org/
- Over 500 items from 2001-present; all items available in full text. Languages covered: English. Proceedings for individual conferences are available on external websites.
- Vande Gorne, Annette. 20nn. Electrodoc. http://electrodoc.musiques-recherches.be/
- Over 16000 (ca 10800 works, 800 books and 5000 articles) items from 1910s-present; many items annotated. Languages covered: French, English, German, other. Mainly a work database, but includes a substantial amount of articles and books.
- Dal Farra, Ricardo. 2010. Latin American electroacoustic music collection. http://www.fondation-langlois.org/html/e/page.php?NumPage=556
- 1723 items from 1956-2007; not annotated, but many links to related pages in the collection. Contains an historical introduction, composer biographies and interviews. A selection of 231 compositions is available for listening online, some with scores or sonograms. Also available in French at http://www.fondation-langlois.org/html/f/page.php?NumPage=556.
- Holmes, Thomas B. 2008. "Pioneering works of electronic music". In Electronic and experimental music : technology, music, and culture (3rd ed.), p. [429]-432. New York : Routledge. xviii, 462 p. ISBN: 0415957818
- 32 items from 1949-1985; annotated. No discographical data.
- Manning, Peter. 2004. "Discography". In Electronic and computer music ([3rd ed.] Rev. and expanded ed.), p. [427]-450. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 474 p. ISBN: 0195144848
- Over 900 items from 19??-2003? (dates not given); not annotated
- Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth. 2002. Selected discography of women's electro-acoustic music. http://people.unt.edu/~aeh0018/womtechdisc.html
- Ca 250 items from 1960s-2002; not annotated
- Holmes, Thomas B. 2002. "Recommended recordings of electronic music". In Electronic and experimental music : pioneers in technology and composition (2nd ed.), p. 281-294. New York : Routledge. 322 p. ISBN: 0415936438
- Over 230 items from 19??-2001; annotated. Classified by genre.
- [N/A]. 2000. Florida electroacoustic music discography. http://test.emu.music.ufl.edu/emucdisc.html
- 200-300 items from 19??-2000? (dates not given); not annotated
- Vande Gorne, Annette. 1998. Répertoire électro-cd 1998 : [catalogue des musiques electroacoustiques] (Mise à jour 1997 [3rd ed.]) (Lien : revue d'esthétique musicale). Paris ; Montréal ; Ohain : INA-GRM ; Diffusion i Media ; Musiques & recherches. 277 p.
- Over 3500 items from 1980s-1997. There is also a 4th edition (2001), according to Anderson, 2012.
- Hein, Folkmar & Seelig, Thomas. 1996. Internationale Dokumentation elektroakustischer Musik = International documentation of electroacoustic music = Documentation internationale de la musique électro-acoustique = Documentación internacional de la música electroacustica ("World" ed.). Saarbrücken : PFAU-Verlag ; Teknische Universität Berlin ; Deutsche Gesällschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (DEGEM). xi, 421 p. ISBN: 3930735598. http://www.emdoku.de/
- 18313 (printed ed.) items from 1920s-1996; not annotated. Contains studio list. The web edition also contains a discography sorted by record label.
- *Vande Gorne, Annette. 1995. Catalogue des musiques electroacoustiques (Mise à jour 1995 [2nd ed.]) (Lien : revue d'esthétique musicale). Paris ; Ohain : Forum Electro-CD ; Musiques & recherches. 133 p.
- Manning, Peter. 1993. "Discography". In Electronic and computer music (2nd ed.), p. [364]-378. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 399 p. ISBN: 0198163282
- Over 500 items from 19??-1992? (dates not given); not annotated
- *Vande Gorne, Annette. 1993. Catalogue des musiques electroacoustiques ([1st ed.]) (Lien : revue d'esthétique musicale). Paris ; Ohain : Forum Electro-CD ; Musiques & recherches. 68 p.
- Föllmer, Golo ; Frank, Roland & Hein, Folkmar. 1992. Dokumentation elektroakustischer Musik in Europa. Berlin : Inventionen '92, Festival Neuer Musik Berlin. xii, 370 p.
- 8157 (by composer, 5991 by studio) items from 1920s-1991; not annotated. Works are listed by studio and by composer. Contains studio list and indices of composers and studios.
- [N/A]. 1987?. Catalogue GRM 1948-1986 : sélection du Répertoire Acousmatique : tiré à part de Recherche Musicale au GRM. Paris : INA-GRM ; La revue musicale. p. 258-304
- 1053 items from 1948-1986; most items annotated. Continues and supplements Répertoire acousmatique 1948-1980.
- Olsson, Olle. 1986?. Electroacoustic music in Sweden : musique concrete, computer music, live-electronic, text-sound composition. Lund : Experimental Music Research ; Swedish Section of International Confederation for Electroacoustic Music . 49 p.
- Ca 1300 items from 1953-1986; short annotations for most items. Work list and discography.
- Holmes, Thomas B. 1985. "Ancient instruments and rare recordings". In Electronic and experimental music, p. 228-233. New York : Scribner. 278 p. ISBN: 0684181355
- Ca 30 items from 19??-1970? (dates not given); partly annotated. Gray, 1989, lists chapter 12, "Ancient instruments and rare recordings", as E-27 under the heading Electronic music, but chapters 10, "Electronic music collections", and 11, "Electronic music by individual artists and groups", also contain discographical data.
- Manning, Peter. 1985. "Discography". In Electronic and computer music, p. [266]-278. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 291 p. ISBN: 0193119188
- Over 400 items from 19??-1983? (dates not given); not annotated. Listed as no. E-28 under the heading Electronic music in Gray, 1989.
- Naumann, Joel & Wagoner, James D. 1985. "Listening examples". In Analog electronic music techniques : in tape, electronic, and voltage-controlled synthesizer studios. New York : Schirmer. xxi, 421 p. ISBN: 0028731409
- Ca 100 items from 19??-1984? (dates not given); not annotated. Listed as no. E-26 under the heading Electronic music in Gray, 1989. The listening examples are distributed over several chapters, and are meant to illustrate different techniques.
- Olsson, Olle. 1985. Electronic music in Sweden : musique concrete, computer music, live-electronic, text-sound composition ([3rd ed.]). Stockholm : Swedish Music Information Center. 87 p. ISBN: 918547021X
- 1200-1300 items from 1953-1984; short annotations for most items. Work list and discography with composer biographies and an essay on Swedish EAM.
- [Bodin, Lars-Gunnar & Zivkovic, Zagorka]. 1984. Electronic music in Sweden ([2nd ed.]). Stockholm : Swedish Music Information Center. 70 p. ISBN: 9185470058
- Ca 1000 items from 1953-1983; short annotations for most items. Work list with composer biographies and an essay on Swedish EAM.
- *Guérin, François. 1983. Les musiques électroacoustiques (À l'écoute de la musique d'ici, no. 2). Montréal : Centre de musique canadienne. 76 p.
- Covers only Canadian composers.
- *Jackson, Hanley. 1982. ["Discography"]. In Synthesis, analog and digital : a comprehensive guide to the electronic music studio, l. [194]-196. Manhattan, Ks. : L & M Publishers. xv, 199 leaves
- Listed as no. E-24 under the heading Electronic music in Gray, 1989. There is also a 2. ed. from 1985.
- *Weiland, Frits C. & Tempelaars, C.A.G.M. 1982. "Discographie". In Elektronische muziek, p. 224-230. Utrecht : Scheltema & Holkema. viii, 240 p.
- In Dutch. Listed as no. E-25 under the heading Electronic music in Gray, 1989.
- Wells, Thomas H. 1981. "Selected discography". In The technique of electronic music, p. [294]-295. New York : Schirmer (reprint of Austin, Texas : University Stores, 1974). xvi, 303 p. ISBN: 0028728300
- 55 items from 19??-1973? (dates not given)
- Mâche, Geneviève & Vande Gorne, Annette. 1980. Répertoire acousmatique 1948-1980 (Cahiers recherche/musique, no. 8). Paris : INA-GRM. 415 p.
- Work list: ca 900, discography: ca 200, score list: ca 200 items from 1948-1980; short annotations for works only. Work list, discography, bibliography, score list. Includes supplementary material.
- Reviewed in:
- Roads, C[urtis]. 1981. "Institut National de l'Audio-Visuel/Groupe de Recherches Musicales: Répertoire acousmatique 1948-1980". In Computer music journal, vol. 5, no. 4 (Winter, 1981), p. 75
- Griffiths, Paul. 1979. "Recordings". In A guide to electronic music, p. 95-117. London : Thames & Hudson. 128 p. ISBN: 0500012245
- Ca 300 items from 1934-1978; annotated with short composer biographies
- Kondracki, Miroslaw ; Stankiewicz, Marta & Weiland, Frits C. 1979. Internationale Diskographie elektronische Musik = International electronic music discography = Discographie internationale de la musique électronique. Mainz : Schott. 174 p. ISBN: 3795701503
- Over 2000 items from 19??-1978? (dates not given); not annotated. Indexed by composer. Very negative review by Paul Griffiths in The musical times.
- Reviewed in:
- Laszlo, D. 1982. "M. Kondracki, M. Stankiewicz, F. Weiland: International electronic music discography". In Computer music journal, vol. 6, no. 3 (Fall, 1982), p. 78-79. http://www.jstor.org/stable/963734
- Griffiths, Paul. 1980. "Wires crossed". In The musical times, vol. 121, no. 1647 (May, 1980), p. 319. http://www.jstor.org/stable/963734
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,12729
- *Willman, Fred. 1979. Electronic music : resources for performance groups and general music classes. St. Louis, MO : Cross Creek Press. 98 p.
- Discography: 720, score list: 630 items; short annotations for some items (according to Wick, 1997). Contains discography, score list and bibliography. "The purpose of this bibliography/discography is to provide the busy teacher and researcher with an exhaustive listing of recordings, books, periodicals, and performance scores from which to choose. It is, by design, non-selective".
- *Australia Music Centre. 1977. Electronic music (Catalogue of Australian compositions, no. 7). Sydney : Australia Music Centre. 65 p.
- Contains bibliography according to Duckles & Reed, 1997.
- Chion, Michel & Reibel, Guy. 1976. "Discographie". In Les musiques électroacoustiques, p. 326-336. Aix-en-Provence : INA-GRM ; Édisud. 339 p.
- Ca 150 items from 19??-1976 (dates not given); partly annotated
- *Melby, Carol. 1976. Computer music compositions of the United States, 1976 ([2nd ed.]). [Urbana, Ill. : Melby]. 28 p.
- Prepared for the First international conference on computer music, October 28-31, 1976, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Includes publications and sound recordings.
- [N/A]. 1975. "Discography". In Appleton, Jon H. & Perera, Ronald C. (eds.), The development and practice of electronic music, p. 344-366. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall. ix, 384 p. ISBN: 0132076055
- Ca 250 items from 19??-1974? (dates not given); not annotated
- *Chion, Michel. 1975. "Discographie sommaire mais commentée des musiqes mixtes". In Programme-bulletin GRM, no. 14, p. 73. Paris : INA-GRM
- Listed in Mâche & Vande Gorne, 1980.
- *Drake, Russell & Herder, Ronald. 1975. ["Discography"]. In How to make electronic music, p. 102-103. Pleasantville, N.Y. : Educational Audio Visual (reprinted 1978). 108 p.
- Listed as no. E-18 and E-20 under the heading Electronic music in Gray, 1989.
- *Melby, Carol. 1975. Computer music compositions of the United States : a bibliography ([1st ed.]). Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois. 42 p.
- Prepared for Music Computation Conference II held at Urbana-Champaign, November 7-9, 1975. Includes publications and sound recordings.
- Schwartz, Elliott. 1975. "Discography". In Electronic music : a listener's guide (Rev. ed.), p. 293-298. New York : Praeger. 306 p. ISBN: 0275537307
- Ca 160 items from 19??-1974? (dates not given); not annotated
- [N/A]. 1973. "Gramophone records on electronic music produced at the Institute of Sonology - Utrecht State University", "Films commissioned by the Institute of Sonology", "Electronic music realised at the Institute of Sonology since 1970", "Scores of electronic concert music published by Donemus in Amsterdam" & "Scores of electronic music published by Donemus in Amsterdam". Sonorum speculum : mirror of musical life in Holland, no. 52 (1973), p. 23-27
- Ca 120 items from 1959-1973; not annotated
- Schwartz, Elliott. 1973. "Discography". In Electronic music : a listener's guide, p. 293-298. New York ; London : Praeger ; Secker & Warburg. 306 p. ISBN: 0436444100
- Ca 150 items from 19??-1972? (dates not given); not annotated
- *Wallace, David E. 1973. A second listing of multi-media works available from composers at colleges and universities. Monmouth, Ore. : Oregon College of Education. 138 p.
- Frank, Peter. 1972. "A partial discography of electronic music on recordings". In Russcol, Herbert, The liberation of sound : an introduction to electronic music, p. 243-264. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall. 315 p.
- Over 500 items from 19??-1971? (dates not given); not annotated
- Johnson, Bengt Emil & Wiggen, Knut. 1972. Electronic music in Sweden ([1st ed.]). Stockholm : Swedish Music Information Center. 66 p.
- 300-350 items from 1953-1972; short annotations for most items. Work list with composer biographies and an essay on Swedish EAM.
- Oram, Daphne. 1972. "Suggestions for listening". In An individual note of music, sound and electronics, p. 129-136. London ; New York : Galliard ; Galaxy. 145 p.
- Ca 100 items from 19??-1971? (dates not given); not annotated. Includes a selected work list for Oram. Listed as no. 969-970 under the heading Electronic music in Gray & Gibson, 1977.
- [Johnson, Bengt Emil & Wiggen, Knut]. 1971. Klänge aus Schweden : elektronische Durchreise 1971 : Programmheft. Stockholm : Swedish Music Information Center. 54 p.
- Ca 300 items from 1953-1971; short annotations for most items. Concert programme for a German tour of Swedish electroacoustic music. Includes an essay on Swedish EAM, short composer biographies, and a work list with discographic notes.
- *Frank, Peter. 1970. "A discography of electronic music on recordings". In BMI - the many worlds of music (Summer, 1970), p. [14]-22
- Listed as no. E-17 under the heading Electronic music in Gray, 1989.
- *Henry, Otto W. 1970. ["Discography"]. In The evolution of idiomatic and psychoacoustical resources as a basis for unity in electronic music. [New Orleans, LA] : Tulane University. vi, 277 p.
- Dissertation. Listed as no. E-16 under the heading Electronic music in Gray, 1989.
- Hanson, Sten (ed.). 1969. Fylkingen catalogue of text-sound compositions (Fylkingen international bulletin, no. 1969:1? Special issue). Stockholm : Fylkingen. The Fylkingen group of linguistic arts. [32] p.
- Ca 150 items from 1949-1969; not annotated. Includes discography.
- Krellmann, Hanspeter. 1969. "Elektronische Musik und Schallplatte". In Musica, vol. 23, no. 5 (September-October 1969), p. 449-450
- 11 items from 19??-1968? (dates not given); not annotated. Not really a discography, but a short article with a reference list of records. Listed as no. 968 under the heading Electronic music in Gray & Gibson, 1977.
- Davies, Hugh. 1968. Répertoire international des musiques electroacoustiques = International electronic music catalog (Electronic music review, no. 2-3). Paris ; Trumansburg, N.Y. (Cambridge, Mass.) : Groupe de Recherches Musicales ; Independent Electronic Music Center (distr. by MIT Press). xxx, 330 p.
- Over 5000 items from 1920s-1967; not annotated
- Reviewed in:
- Chase, Gilbert. 1969. "New musical resources - yesterday and today". In Anuario, vol. 5, p. 101-109. http://www.jstor.org/stable/779738
- Appleton, Jon. 1968. "Répertoire international des musiques electroacoustiques. (International electronic music catalog) by Hugh Davies". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 25, no. 1 (September, 1968), p. 34-35. http://www.jstor.org/stable/894153
- Dennis, Brian. 1968. "The Electronic music review nos. 2-6 by Reynold Wiedenaar". In Tempo (new series), no. 87 (Winter, 1968-1969), p. 42-43. http://www.jstor.org/stable/943799
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10353
- *Davies, Hugh. 1966. "A discography of electronic music and musique concrète. Supplement". Recorded sound : journal of the British Institute of Recorded Sound, no. 22-23 (April-July, 1966), p. 69-78
- *Hansell, Sven Hostrup. 1966. A provisional list of electronic music compositions (Technical report, no. 11). [Urbana, Ill.] : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Experimental Music Studios. ii leaves, 116 p.
- *Davies, Hugh. 1964. "A discography of electronic music and musique concrète". Recorded sound : journal of the British Institute of Recorded Sound, no. 14 (April, 1964), p. 205-224
- *[N/A]. 1962. Répertoire international des musiques expérimentales : [studios, oeuvres, équipements, bibliographie]. Paris : Service de la recherche de la Radiodiffusion-Télévision française. 56 p.
- Prieberg, Fred K. 1960. "Discographie". In Musica ex machina : über das Verhältnis von Musik und Technik, p. 263-[281]. Berlin : Ullstein. 299 p.
- Ca 200 (15 on EAM) items from 19??-1959? (dates not given); partly annotated. A selected discography on 20th century music.
- *Rosenberg, Victor. 1960. "Disques". In Esprit, vol. 28, no. 280 (January, 1960), p. 133
- *[N/A]. 1959. "An incomplete discography of experimental music". Inter-American music bulletin, no. 14 (November, 1959), p. 3
- Listed as no. C212 under the heading Experimental music in Cooper, 1975.
- [N/A]. 1959. "Discographie". In La revue musicale, no. 244 (Expériences musicales, 1959), p. 61
- 6 items from 19??-1959? (dates not given); not annotated
- [N/A]. 1957. "Liste des ouevres de musique concrète". In La revue musicale, no. 236 (Vers une musique expérimentale, 1957), p. 139-141
- 70 items from 1948-1957; not annotated
- *[N/A]. 1955. "Liste des premières ouevres". In Sept ans de musique concrète 1948-1955. Paris : Centre d'Etudes Radiophonique, GRMC-RTF. 37 p.
- Listed in Mâche & Vande Gorne, 1980.
- Bassingthwaighte, Sarah Louise. 20nn. Electroacoustic music for solo flute : a compendium of compositions. http://www.subliminal.org/flute/
- Over 620 items from 1950s-present; not annotated. Based on the author's doctoral dissertation "Electroacoustic music for the flute".
- Pestova, Xenia. 20nn. The piano + live electronics repertoire list. http://www.xeniapestova.com/electronicrepertoire.html
- Ca 200 items from 1960-present; not annotated
- Edwards, J. Michele. 1977. Literature for voices in combination with electronic and tape music : an annotated bibliography (MLA index and bibliography series, no. 17). Ann Arbor, Mich. : Music Library Association (MLA). 194 p. ISBN: 914954091
- 400 items from 1930s-1975; annotated. Includes only compositions for at least three live performers.
- Reviewed in:
- Ward Jones, Peter. 1979. "Literature for voices in combination with electronic and tape music: an annotated bibliography by J. Michele Edwards". In Music and letters, vol. 60, no. 2 (April, 1979), p. 229. http://www.jstor.org/stable/734772
- Fry, Stephen M. ; Nagy, Kären and Kunselman, Joan. 1978. "New reference books". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 34, no. 4 (June, 1978), p. 878-882. http://www.jstor.org/stable/898063
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,8152
- *Gallagher, Mitch. 2009. The music tech dictionary : a glossary of audio-related terms and technologies. Boston, Mass. : Course Technology. 249 p. ISBN: 9781598635829
- *Holmes, Thomas B. 2006. The Routledge guide to music technology. New York : Routledge. x, 373 p. ISBN: 9780415973236
- *White, Glenn D. 2005. The audio dictionary (3rd ed., rev. and exp.). Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press. i, 504 p. ISBN: 0295984988
- *Enders, Bernd. 1997. Lexikon Musikelektronik (3. Aufl., 10. - 14. Tsd., erw., völlig überarb. Neuaufl.) (Serie Musik Atlantis, Schott, no. 8352). [Zürich ; Mainz] : Atlantis-Musikbuch-Verl.. 680 p. ISBN: 3254083520
- Pope, Stephen Travis. 1996. "A taxonomy of computer music". In Contemporary music review, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 137-145. http://www.computermusicjournal.org/cmjlib/editors-notes/18-1.html
- An attempt at a classification for computer music. Web edition includes commentaries by Roger Dannenberg, Eric Lyon, Axel Mulder, Craig Latta and Craig R. Harris.
- *Gorges, Peter. 1994. Das Keyboard-Lexikon : die Fachbegriffe aus den Bereichen MIDI, Computer, Keyboards und Recording (Factfinder-Serie). München : Carstensen. 327 p. ISBN: 3910098045
- *Petersen, George & Oppenheimer, Steve. 1993. Tech terms : a practical dictionary for audio and music production. Emeryville, CA : EMBooks. iii, 50 p. ISBN: 0793519896
- *Cary, Tristram. 1992. Dictionary of musical technology (U.S. ed.). New York : Greenwood Press. xxxii, 542 p. ISBN: 0313286949
- The same work as Illustrated compendium of musical technology. Contains bibliography.
- Reviewed in:
- Arthurs, Andy. 1996. "Illustrated Compendium of Musical Technology by Tristram Cary". In Musicology Australia : journal of the Musicological Society of Australia, vol. 19 (1996), p. 89-90. http://www.msa.org.au/publications/musicology-australia/contents/#XIX-1996
- *Larson, Forrest. 1994. "Dictionary of musical technology. Tristram Cary". In Music reference services quarterly, vol. 3, no. 1 (November, 1994), p. 79-82(?). http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a904777509
- Moore, F. Richard. 1994. "A dictionary of electronic and computer music technology : instruments, terms, techniques by Richard Dobson. Dictionary of musical technology by Tristram Cary". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 50, no. 3 (March, 1994), p. 1021-1023. http://www.jstor.org/stable/898588
- Nelson, Peter. 1993. "Illustrated Compendium of Musical Technology. By Tristram Cary". In Music and letters, vol. 74, no. 3 (August, 1993), p. 470-471. http://www.jstor.org/stable/736317
- *Ossenkop, David. 1993. Choice : publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries, vol. 30 (1993), p. 1106
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10221
- Cary, Tristram. 1992. Illustrated compendium of musical technology. London : Faber and Faber. xxxii, 542 p. ISBN: 0571152511
- The same work as Dictionary of musical technology. Contains bibliography.
- Reviewed in:
- Arthurs, Andy. 1996. "Illustrated Compendium of Musical Technology by Tristram Cary". In Musicology Australia : journal of the Musicological Society of Australia, vol. 19 (1996), p. 89-90. http://www.msa.org.au/publications/musicology-australia/contents/#XIX-1996
- *Larson, Forrest. 1994. "Dictionary of musical technology. Tristram Cary". In Music reference services quarterly, vol. 3, no. 1 (November, 1994), p. 79-82(?). http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a904777509
- Moore, F. Richard. 1994. "A dictionary of electronic and computer music technology : instruments, terms, techniques by Richard Dobson. Dictionary of musical technology by Tristram Cary". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 50, no. 3 (March, 1994), p. 1021-1023. http://www.jstor.org/stable/898588
- Nelson, Peter. 1993. "Illustrated Compendium of Musical Technology. By Tristram Cary". In Music and letters, vol. 74, no. 3 (August, 1993), p. 470-471. http://www.jstor.org/stable/736317
- *Ossenkop, David. 1993. Choice : publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries, vol. 30 (1993), p. 1106
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10222
- Dobson, Richard. 1992. A dictionary of electronic and computer music technology : instruments, terms, techniques. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. x, 224 p. ISBN: 0193113449
- Reviewed in:
- Moore, F. Richard. 1994. "A dictionary of electronic and computer music technology : instruments, terms, techniques by Richard Dobson. Dictionary of musical technology by Tristram Cary". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 50, no. 3 (March, 1994), p. 1021-1023. http://www.jstor.org/stable/898588
- Manning, Peter. 1993. "A dictionary of electronic and computer music technology : instruments, terms, techniques by Richard Dobson". In Music and letters, vol. 74, no. 2 (May, 1993), p. 318-319. http://www.jstor.org/stable/735452
- *Walters, John L. 1993 Times literary supplement, 4700 (1993): 6
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10392
- *De Vito, Albert. 1991. Computer MIDI desktop publishing dictionary . [S.l.] ; Milwaukee, WI : Kenyon Publications ; Distribution by Hal Leonard Pub. Corp.. viii, 228 p. ISBN: 0934286671
- *White, Glenn D. 1991. The audio dictionary (2nd ed., rev. and exp. ). Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press. 413 p.
- Reviewed in:
- Will, Patrick T. 1993. "High fidelity audio/video Systems: a critical guide for owners. By Howard Ferstler. The audio dictionary. By Glenn D. White". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 49, no. 3 (March, 1993), p. 1098-1099 . http://www.jstor.org/stable/899001
- *Gies, Stefan. 1989. "Glossar-Computer". In Musik und Bildung, vol. 21 (June, 1989), p. 339-340
- Listed as no. 7028 in Davis, 1992.
- *Ahland, Babs ; Dreksler, Jacky & Härle, Quirlin. 1988. Electronic-music-ABC : alles über Synthesizer, MIDI, Effektgeräte, Homerecording, Music- und Drumcomputer, Keyboards, Software, Sampling ; [Fachlexikon über 2000 Begriffe]. Erftstadt : Metropol. 191 p. ISBN: 3920640004
- *Anderton, Craig. 1988. The electronic musician's dictionary. New York : Amsco Publications (Music Sales Corporation). 119 p. ISBN: 0825611253
- Reviewed in:
- Basart, Ann P. 1989. "Craig Anderton : The electronic musician's dictionary". In Cum notis variorum, no. 132 (May, 1989), p. 22
- *Doty, David D. 1989. Electronic musician, vol. 5 (April, 1989), p. 100-102
- *Mulhern, Tom. 1988. Guitar player, vol. 22 (November, 1988), p. 155
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,12765
- *Coakley, W. D. 1988. The electronic music dictionary. Lantana, Fla. : W.D. Coakley. 92 p.
- Listed as no. 7014 in Davis, 1992.
- *Enders, Bernd. 1988. Lexikon Musikelektronik (2. Aufl.). Leipzig : Deutscher Verlag für Musik. 283 p.
- Reviewed in:
- Ruschkowski, André. 1988. "Bernd Enders: Lexikon Musikelektronik". In Musik und Gesellschaft, no. 38 (November, 1988), p. 607-608
- *Tomlyn, Bo & Leonard, Steve. 1988. Electronic music dictionary : a glossary of the specialized terms relating to the music and sound technology of today (1st ed.). Milwaukee, Wis. : Hal Leonard Books. 77 p. ISBN: 0881889040
- *Wadhams, Wayne. 1988. A dictionary of music production and engineering terminology. New York ; London : Schirmer Books; Collier Macmillan. xiv, 257 p. ISBN: 002872691X
- Reviewed in:
- Basart, Ann P. 1988. "Wayne Wadhams : A dictionary of music production and engineering terminology". In Cum notis variorum, no. 121 (April, 1988), p. 17-18
- Rothstein, Joseph B. 1988. "Wayne Wadhams: Dictionary of music production and engineering terminology". In Computer music journal, vol. 12, no. 4 (Winter, 1988), p. 49-50
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,11837
- *[N/A]. 1987. "Glossary of electronic music terms". In Compute!, vol. 9 (May, 1987), p. 22-26
- Listed as no. 7029 in Davis, 1992.
- *Aikin, Jim. 1987. "Electronic music glossary. Part 1 [A-M]". In Keyboard, vol. 13 (February, 1987), p. 77-80
- Listed as no. 7000 in Davis, 1992.
- *Aikin, Jim. 1987. "Electronic music glossary. Part 2 [N-Z]". In Keyboard, vol. 13 (March, 1987), p. 93-95
- Listed as no. 7001 in Davis, 1992.
- *White, Glenn D. 1987. The audio dictionary (1st ed.). Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press. 291p.
- Dolk, Kalle & Borud, Magnus. 1986. Syntens A till Ö : en handbok i musikelektronik. Stockholm : Nordiska Musikförlaget ; Wilhelm Hansen. 80 p.
- Enders, Bernd. 1985. Lexikon Musikelektronik (Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl.). München ; Mainz : Goldmann ; Musikverlag Schott . 281 p. ISBN: 3442336007
- Reviewed in:
- Weininger, Rainer. 1986. "Bernd Enders: Lexikon Musik-Elektronik". In Musik und Bildung, no. 18 (July-August, 1986), p. 723
- *Rieländer, Michael M. 1982. Reallexikon der Akustik. Frankfurt am Main : Bochinsky. 461 p. ISBN: 3920112849
- *CAMEO. 1979. The CAMEO Dictionary of creative audio terms. Framingham, MA : CAMEO (Creative Audio and Music Electronics Organization). 100 p.
- Reviewed in:
- Blum, Thom. 1981. "CAMEO: The CAMEO Dictionary of creative audio terms". In Computer music journal, vol. 5, no. 2 (Summer, 1981), p. 67-68
- *Eimert, Herbert & Humpert, Hans Ulrich. 1977. Das Lexikon der elektronischen Musik (2., erg. Aufl.) (Bosse Musik Paperback, no. 2). Regensburg : Gustav Bosse Verlag (reprinted 1981, 3., unveränd. Aufl.). 440 p. ISBN: 3764920831
- *Fink, Robert & Ricci, Robert. 1975. The language of twentieth century music : a dictionary of terms. New York : Schirmer Books. 125 p. ISBN: 0028706005
- Reviewed in:
- Fry, Stephen M. 1976. "New reference books". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 32, no. 3 (March, 1976), p. 554-557. http://www.jstor.org/stable/898003
- Griffiths, Paul. 1976. "... and terms". In The musical times, vol. 117, no. 1602 (August, 1976), p. 657-658. http://www.jstor.org/stable/958560
- Stucky, Stephen. 1976. "The language of twentieth century music: a dictionary of terms. By Robert Fink and Robert Ricci. New music vocabulary: a guide to notational signs for contemporary music. By Howard Risatti". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 32, no. 4 (June, 1976), p. 774-775. http://www.jstor.org/stable/897747
- Music & dance reference: http://cdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MusicRef2,10513
- Eimert, Herbert & Humpert, Hans Ulrich. 1973. Das Lexikon der elektronischen Musik (Bosse Musik Paperback, no. 2). Regensburg : Gustav Bosse Verlag. xix, 426 p. ISBN: 3764920831
- *[N/A]. 1960. "Petit lexique de musique expérimentale et électronique". In Esprit, vol. 28, no. 280 (January, 1960), p. 121
- Meyer-Eppler, Werner. 1956. The terminology of electronic music (Technical translation / National Research Council (Canada), no. TT-602). Ottawa : National Research Council of Canada. 9 leaves
- Translation of "Zur Terminologie der elektronischen Musik" by D.A. Sinclair. An essay on electronic music terminology.
- Meyer-Eppler, Werner. 1954. "Zur Terminologie der elektronischen Musik". In Teknische Hausmitteilungen des Nordwestdeustschen Rundfunks, vol. 6, no. 1-2 (1954), p. 5-7
- An essay on electronic music terminology.
- *Boulanger, Richard. 2000. The Csound catalog with audio. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press. http://www.csounds.com/catalog/
- "HTML CD-ROM with over 2000 Csound instruments and their corresponding audio; compressed audio of all 2000 orchestras and scores." The current, revised, MP3 version contains over 3500 instruments.
- Reviewed in:
- Hosken, Daniel. 2001. "Richard Boulanger, editor: The Csound catalogue with audio". In Computer music journal, vol. 25, no. 2 (Summer, 2001), p. 73-75. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3681536
- [N/A]. 1989. The entire incomplete catalogue of electroacoustic and computer music studios. Amsterdam : Vereniging PEM ; Gaudeamus
- 81 items. Includes equipment lists for about half of listed studios.
- *Bartle, Barton K. 1987. Computer software in music and music education : a guide. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press. xiv, 252 p. ISBN: 0810820560
- Reviewed in:
- McQuillan, Richard. 1991. "Music and the personal computer: an annotated bibliography by William J. Waters, The musical microcomputer: a resource guide by Craig Lister, Computer software in music and music education: a guide by Barton K. Bartle". In Notes : quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, vol. 47, no. 3 (March, 1991), p. 806-808. http://www.jstor.org/stable/941927
- Manning, Peter. 1989. "Computer software in music and music education: a guide by Barton K. Bartle". In Music & letters, vol. 70, no. 1 (February, 1989), p. 137-139. http://www.jstor.org/stable/735686
- Blevins, R.L. 1988. "Barton Bartle: Computer software in music and music education - a guide". In Computer music journal, vol. 12, no. 2 (Summer, 1988), p. 58. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3679945
- *Buxton, William. 1977. Computer music 1976/77 : a directory to current work. Ottawa : The Canadian Commission for Unesco. xvii, 239 p.
- *Byrd, Donald. 1975. "Music programs at Indiana University". Computational musicology newsletter, vol. 3, no. 1 (March, 1975), p. 2-4
- A bibliography according to Battier & Arveiller, 1976, but the title indicates a list of computer programs.
- Risset, Jean-Claude. 1969 (1970?). An introductory catalogue of computer synthesized sounds. Murray Hill, N.J. : Bell Telephone Laboratories. 104 leaves
- A collection of MUSIC V patches with detailed descriptions, arranged by timbre, including Shepard-Risset scales.
- Reviewed in:
- Beauchamp, James W. 1971. "An introductory catalogue of computer synthesized sounds by Jean Claude Risset". In Perspectives of new music, vol. 9, no. 2-vol. 10, no. 1 (Spring/Summer-Autumn/Winter, 1971), p. 348-350. http://www.jstor.org/stable/832154
